



You’ve got questions… we’ve got answers.


Recruiting Assistants


Private Facebook Pages

Other Services

What is an ad?

Ads have a goal: get someone to Act. Ads can be images, videos, headlines, and copy. However, it is also important to pay attention to lead forms, workflows, emails, reviews, comments, reputations, etc. All of this drives people to take action, and in our case: request a call with a recruiter.

What is a lead?

We classify a Lead as someone who requests a conversation with a Recruiter. And we have found that roughly 24% of Leads are both qualified and interested. Leads include messages, short applications, and comments. The key is that they are requesting a conversation with a Recruiter.

Do you share leads?

Your Ads are specific to your company — your Hometime, Pay & Benefits, Hiring Area, etc. When a Driver requests to talk with you; they want to talk with you. We do not share leads. The only thing that determines which Drivers go to which company is when Drivers respond to your Ads.

How do budgets work?

We will work with you to determine the right budget for your company. And once set, your Advertising Spend will be very predictable. We will work with you to determine the right budget for your company. Budgets often depend on your hiring needs, hiring area, as well as your pay, benefits, and work. We have even had a client limited by their training capacity.

How much does it cost to run an ad?

Each Ad is a combination of best practices, creativity, science, and trial & error. While we don’t know how much it will cost to create 1 Ad, we have found a ratio of Ad Spending to Bulldog Services that seems to produce the best results. That ratio is 1:1 — if you are spending $5,000 on Ad Spend you should budget up to $5,000 for Bulldog’s services. We bill hourly and might not need all of that, but it is a good rule of thumb.

What drives the 1:1 ratio?

The first thing an Ad has to do is — stop you scrolling. You have to see it, stop, and investigate; from there it has to make you curious, engaged and committed. However, everything starts with getting you to STOP. Increasing your Ad Budget increases the frequency of people seeing your Ads. The more frequent — the more often you see something — the more likely you are to ignore it and keep scrolling.

What determines cost per lead?

Your Ad Budget is predictable; your results aren’t. Facebook, Instagram, Google, Youtube, etc will spend the budget you set. Bulldog’s job is to maximize your results. We do this by constantly making adjustments. We work hard to keep Ads fresh, refine our audiences, and optimize our lead capture systems. Bulldog typically generates Leads between $10 and $15 per lead. We have consistently generated leads for as low as $5. Even our best performing Ads will eventually lose their effectiveness, and the Cost per Lead will start to increase. A rising Cost per Lead indicates that we need to start changing creative and our strategy.

What is recruiting assistance?

Recruiting assistance is a service we offer that provides a friendly face in the inboxes and comment sections to make sure that there are quality conversations happening in a timely manner so that leads aren’t lost. This team is able to handle initial questions and screening of candidates to allow the next steps to be much more efficient for our clients. We are available from morning to evening and on weekends so you are almost always covered.

How does recruiting assistance tie into what Bulldog does?

Bulldog is a marketing company first and foremost so we have a team that creates ads and gets your company name out there so you can hire the perfect candidates. But creating and posting the ads is only successful if there is a timely follow up on the company side with responses to inquiries. So the recruiting team comes in behind the creative team to make sure that we are following up on those hot leads and answering any questions there may be to be present on social media and open many more doors. Candidates are much more likely to want to work for your company if they are answered quickly and personally!

When are recruiting assistants available?

Recruiting assistants are staffed morning, afternoon and evening! We are available 7am-11pm EST during the week and 11am-6pm EST on weekends! So we cover a lot of the hours in which messages and comments are coming in. We typically have two people on each shift currently. Our shifts are 7am-3pm EST and 3pm-11pm EST on weekdays and of course 11am-6pm EST on weekends. And should there be an urgent need afterhours or questions in general, we are almost always available by phone and email.

Do recruiting assistance help with social media?

Our recruiting team is also available to take over posting on social media! We would be able to come up with fun and unique posts based on your company and the personality you would like to portray. The frequency of posts would be up to the company. We are able to do them as often or sparingly as needed. This builds more of a presence/personality on social media for candidates when they go to check out a company’s page. This task doesn’t always end up on the priority list in the office with everything else going on so it is something we are happy to help out with as well.

Why should I be interested in podcasts?

Professional truck drivers spend the majority of their days listening to content while driving. Music and stand up comedy get old after a while, that’s why talk radio and podcasts exist. Every driver who owns a smartphone has access to podcasts; they don’t need a fancy subscription or premium radio service. Hundreds of thousands of drivers listen to podcasts. You don’t want to miss out on not reaching them.

How do podcasts tie into what Bulldog does?

This will be a secondary marketing outlet that backs up what the primary outlets (like Facebook) are saying about your company. We’ll engage drivers on a repeating basis with podcasts. From a recruiting standpoint, there’s nothing more compelling for a driver switching jobs than frequent exposure to who you are as a company.

How do you record podcasts?

We record our podcasts virtually, as our team of professionals is spread across the United States. There is never a problem with the sound, since all of our hosts record locally to their computers using high end microphones. These audio files are sent to our professional audio engineer to be edited.

How long are podcasts?

Most drivers have the time to listen to podcasts longer than your average TV show. However, we keep in mind that attention spans are constantly decreasing. With this said, the majority of our shows will be between 40-70 minutes.

What will make Bulldog-produced podcasts entertaining?

Unfortunately, almost all trucking podcasts put drivers asleep while OTR. We do NOT want this to happen with your podcast. Therefore, our focus will be to determine an overarching theme based on your competitive advantages that will be used to guide our podcast team when in the writers room. With this theme in mind, we’ll interview your drivers and your staff to bring the podcast closer to home. As well as, our host personalities have been carefully selected so that there is never a dry moment while recording.

What is the 10-4 Network?

The 10-4 Network is a fleet of audio entertainment that connects all of our client’s podcasts. If your podcast has the 10-4 stamp, drivers will know that it will be a quality product.

Why connect all our podcasts through one media network?

The most we publish an episode from each podcast is once per week (unless through special request). Let’s say a driver is OTR for 70 hours that week — one hour of entertainment is barely going to make a dent in their drive time. With the 10-4 Network, they are able to listen to other entertaining podcasts that don’t compete with yours.

Why should I be interested in private Facebook pages?

As you will see from working with our Ad Team, drivers love Facebook. Business pages are great for publishing ads, but the best way to have recurring interaction with drivers on Facebook is through private pages.

How do private pages work?

These pages, while not appearing sponsored, provide a wealth of knowledge for your company and an engaged audience. Whether drivers know it or not, asking to be a part of a certain group requires engagement, creating a more desirable audience for you. Once a driver is in a part of a private page, we’ll create posts that encourage them to react and comment until drivers organically begin to post.

What is Rubber Side Down?

As a Bulldog client, you will have the ability to join a private Facebook page called Rubber Side Down that has over 30,000 drivers in it. This page also regularly sees over 1,500 comments per day, 500 new added members per day, and 4,000 post reactions per day. Those are engaged drivers that are easier to appeal to than in an ad.

Can you design our website?

Yes! We do website design and customization. To get more traffic to your website, we also offer ad search campaigns to get your website to pop up at the top of relevant searches.

Can you manage our Facebook posts?

Absolutely! Not only do we create Facebook ads, we create all kinds of posts for your page, including posts to get likes, appreciation posts, informational posts, and more!

Can you create/manage our YouTube account?

For sure! We will manage your YouTube account and, if you’d like, create relevant content to upload to increase your brand awareness. We also run ads through YouTube to reach a more video-focused audience. And if you don’t have a YouTube channel for your business, we can create one for you too.

Can you create/manage our TikTok account?

Definitely! TikTok helps brands stay relevant to a different set of eyes than the other platforms we offer, and we can help yours by uploading relevant content that draws eyeballs to your business.


Recruiting Assistants


Private Facebook Pages

Other Services


What is an ad?

Ads have a goal: get someone to Act. Ads can be images, videos, headlines, and copy. However, it is also important to pay attention to lead forms, workflows, emails, reviews, comments, reputations, etc. All of this drives people to take action, and in our case: request a call with a recruiter.

What is a lead?

We classify a Lead as someone who requests a conversation with a Recruiter. And we have found that roughly 24% of Leads are both qualified and interested. Leads include messages, short applications, and comments. The key is that they are requesting a conversation with a Recruiter.

Do you share leads?

Your Ads are specific to your company — your Hometime, Pay & Benefits, Hiring Area, etc. When a Driver requests to talk with you; they want to talk with you. We do not share leads. The only thing that determines which Drivers go to which company is when Drivers respond to your Ads.

How do budgets work?

We will work with you to determine the right budget for your company. And once set, your Advertising Spend will be very predictable. We will work with you to determine the right budget for your company. Budgets often depend on your hiring needs, hiring area, as well as your pay, benefits, and work. We have even had a client limited by their training capacity.

How much does it cost to run an ad?

Each Ad is a combination of best practices, creativity, science, and trial & error. While we don’t know how much it will cost to create 1 Ad, we have found a ratio of Ad Spending to Bulldog Services that seems to produce the best results. That ratio is 1:1 — if you are spending $5,000 on Ad Spend you should budget up to $5,000 for Bulldog’s services. We bill hourly and might not need all of that, but it is a good rule of thumb.

What drives the 1:1 ratio?

The first thing an Ad has to do is — stop you scrolling. You have to see it, stop, and investigate; from there it has to make you curious, engaged and committed. However, everything starts with getting you to STOP. Increasing your Ad Budget increases the frequency of people seeing your Ads. The more frequent — the more often you see something — the more likely you are to ignore it and keep scrolling.

What determines cost per lead?

Your Ad Budget is predictable; your results aren’t. Facebook, Instagram, Google, Youtube, etc will spend the budget you set. Bulldog’s job is to maximize your results. We do this by constantly making adjustments. We work hard to keep Ads fresh, refine our audiences, and optimize our lead capture systems. Bulldog typically generates Leads between $10 and $15 per lead. We have consistently generated leads for as low as $5. Even our best performing Ads will eventually lose their effectiveness, and the Cost per Lead will start to increase. A rising Cost per Lead indicates that we need to start changing creative and our strategy.

Recruiting Assistants

What is recruiting assistance?

Recruiting assistance is a service we offer that provides a friendly face in the inboxes and comment sections to make sure that there are quality conversations happening in a timely manner so that leads aren’t lost. This team is able to handle initial questions and screening of candidates to allow the next steps to be much more efficient for our clients. We are available from morning to evening and on weekends so you are almost always covered.

How does recruiting assistance tie into what Bulldog does?

Bulldog is a marketing company first and foremost so we have a team that creates ads and gets your company name out there so you can hire the perfect candidates. But creating and posting the ads is only successful if there is a timely follow up on the company side with responses to inquiries. So the recruiting team comes in behind the creative team to make sure that we are following up on those hot leads and answering any questions there may be to be present on social media and open many more doors. Candidates are much more likely to want to work for your company if they are answered quickly and personally!

When are recruiting assistants available?

Recruiting assistants are staffed morning, afternoon and evening! We are available 7am-11pm EST during the week and 11am-6pm EST on weekends! So we cover a lot of the hours in which messages and comments are coming in. We typically have two people on each shift currently. Our shifts are 7am-3pm EST and 3pm-11pm EST on weekdays and of course 11am-6pm EST on weekends. And should there be an urgent need afterhours or questions in general, we are almost always available by phone and email.

Do recruiting assistance help with social media?

Our recruiting team is also available to take over posting on social media! We would be able to come up with fun and unique posts based on your company and the personality you would like to portray. The frequency of posts would be up to the company. We are able to do them as often or sparingly as needed. This builds more of a presence/personality on social media for candidates when they go to check out a company’s page. This task doesn’t always end up on the priority list in the office with everything else going on so it is something we are happy to help out with as well.


Why should I be interested in podcasts?

Professional truck drivers spend the majority of their days listening to content while driving. Music and stand up comedy get old after a while, that’s why talk radio and podcasts exist. Every driver who owns a smartphone has access to podcasts; they don’t need a fancy subscription or premium radio service. Hundreds of thousands of drivers listen to podcasts. You don’t want to miss out on not reaching them.

How do podcasts tie into what Bulldog does?

This will be a secondary marketing outlet that backs up what the primary outlets (like Facebook) are saying about your company. We’ll engage drivers on a repeating basis with podcasts. From a recruiting standpoint, there’s nothing more compelling for a driver switching jobs than frequent exposure to who you are as a company.

How do you record podcasts?

We record our podcasts virtually, as our team of professionals is spread across the United States. There is never a problem with the sound, since all of our hosts record locally to their computers using high end microphones. These audio files are sent to our professional audio engineer to be edited.

How long are podcasts?

Most drivers have the time to listen to podcasts longer than your average TV show. However, we keep in mind that attention spans are constantly decreasing. With this said, the majority of our shows will be between 40-70 minutes.

What will make Bulldog-produced podcasts entertaining?

Unfortunately, almost all trucking podcasts put drivers asleep while OTR. We do NOT want this to happen with your podcast. Therefore, our focus will be to determine an overarching theme based on your competitive advantages that will be used to guide our podcast team when in the writers room. With this theme in mind, we’ll interview your drivers and your staff to bring the podcast closer to home. As well as, our host personalities have been carefully selected so that there is never a dry moment while recording.

What is the 10-4 Network?

The 10-4 Network is a fleet of audio entertainment that connects all of our client’s podcasts. If your podcast has the 10-4 stamp, drivers will know that it will be a quality product.

Why connect all our podcasts through one media network?

The most we publish an episode from each podcast is once per week (unless through special request). Let’s say a driver is OTR for 70 hours that week — one hour of entertainment is barely going to make a dent in their drive time. With the 10-4 Network, they are able to listen to other entertaining podcasts that don’t compete with yours.

Private Facebook Pages

Why should I be interested in private Facebook pages?

As you will see from working with our Ad Team, drivers love Facebook. Business pages are great for publishing ads, but the best way to have recurring interaction with drivers on Facebook is through private pages.

How do private pages work?

These pages, while not appearing sponsored, provide a wealth of knowledge for your company and an engaged audience. Whether drivers know it or not, asking to be a part of a certain group requires engagement, creating a more desirable audience for you. Once a driver is in a part of a private page, we’ll create posts that encourage them to react and comment until drivers organically begin to post.

What is Rubber Side Down?

As a Bulldog client, you will have the ability to join a private Facebook page called Rubber Side Down that has over 30,000 drivers in it. This page also regularly sees over 1,500 comments per day, 500 new added members per day, and 4,000 post reactions per day. Those are engaged drivers that are easier to appeal to than in an ad.

Other Services

Can you design our website?

Yes! We do website design and customization. To get more traffic to your website, we also offer ad search campaigns to get your website to pop up at the top of relevant searches.

Can you manage our Facebook posts?

Absolutely! Not only do we create Facebook ads, we create all kinds of posts for your page, including posts to get likes, appreciation posts, informational posts, and more!

Can you create/manage our YouTube account?

For sure! We will manage your YouTube account and, if you’d like, create relevant content to upload to increase your brand awareness. We also run ads through YouTube to reach a more video-focused audience. And if you don’t have a YouTube channel for your business, we can create one for you too.

Can you create/manage our TikTok account?

Definitely! TikTok helps brands stay relevant to a different set of eyes than the other platforms we offer, and we can help yours by uploading relevant content that draws eyeballs to your business.


Recruiting Assistance


Private Facebook Pages